VOE977526 Washer

PART NO.: 977526 / VOE 977526


Part NO. 977526 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20029-915-200 MC110 Optional hand controls 42 U
2 20028-915-100 MC90 Standard foot controls 7 U
3 20166-914-100 MC110B Servo - hydraulic with fitting parts S/N 71000 - 34 U
4 20066-912-200 MC90B Hydraulic system, single lever control, std 25 U
5 20162-914-100 MC60B Servo - hydraulic with fitting parts S/N 71000 - 14 U
6 20023-915-200 MC60 Optional hand controls 33 U
7 20027-915-100 MC80 Standard foot controls 7 U
8 20024-915-100 MC70 Standard foot controls 7 U
9 20029-915-100 MC110 Standard foot controls 7 U
10 20067-912-200 MC110B Single control lever, lift and tilt function 16 U
11 20024-915-200 MC70 Optional hand controls 33 U
12 20165-914-100 MC90B Servo - hydraulic with fitting parts S/N 71000 - 34 U
13 20063-912-100 MC60B Hydraulic system, single lever control, std 27 U
14 20027-915-200 MC80 Optional hand controls 42 U
15 20064-911-550 MC70B Loader arm hydraulic circuit (w/self level valve) 10 U
16 20023-915-100 MC60 Standard foot controls 7 U
17 20163-914-100 MC70B Servo - hydraulic with fitting parts S/N 71000 - 14 U
18 20028-915-200 MC90 Optional hand controls 42 U
19 20064-912-100 MC70B Hydraulic system, single lever control, std 27 U
20 20164-914-100 MC80B Servo - hydraulic with fitting parts S/N 71000 - 34 U