VOE4854504 Leaf spring

PART NO.: 4854504 / VOE 4854504


Part NO. 4854504 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 97593-71-100 L50 Protector plates and loaded weights L50 S/N -6400/-60300 USA 62 U
2 97693-71-100 L50 Protector plates and loaded weights L50 S/N 6401- / 60301- USA 64 U
3 97228-71-100 4500 Protector plates and loaded weights 4500 37 U
4 97209-71-75 4300 Protector plates and loaded weights 4300 40 U
5 97214-92-50 4200 Loading unit framework 4200 26 U
6 97320-71-50 L120 Frame Volvo BM L120 70 U
7 97222-71-100 4400 Protector plates and loaded weights 4400 53 U