VOE241308 Protecting cap

PART NO.: 241308 / VOE 241308


Part NO. 241308 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20034-371-450 A30D Cable harnesses, cab S/N 12001 - 15909 SWE S/N 73001 - 74658 BRA 26 U
2 20033-371-450 A25D Cable harnesses, cab S/N 13001 - 16369 SWE S/N 72001 - 72433 BRA 26 U
3 20087-333-100 L110E Pre-heater with fitting parts S/N 2202- SWE, 61001- USA, 70401-BRA 6 U
4 20045-371-1700 L50E Cable harness, secondary steering system. BRAZIL, S/N 71001 - 33 U
5 20081-371-200 L180E Cable harness, alternator S/N 8002 - 9407 8 U
6 97811-371-1600 L90D Cable harness, secondary steering system. 25 U
7 20034-371-400 A30D Cable harnesses, cab S/N 12001 - 15909 SWE S/N 73001 - 74658 BRA 23 U
8 20009-333-100 L60E Pre-heater with fitting parts 6 U
9 20104-333-150 L70F Pre-heater with fitting parts 6 U
10 20147-371-1000 A35E Cable harness, mining cab S/N 10001 - 11240 17 U
11 20023-371-50 MC60 Battery cable and main switch 12 U
12 20082-371-150 L150E Pre-heating relay S/N 10002 - 11594 7 U
13 20063-371-100 MC60B Battery cable and main switch 21 U
14 20081-371-950 L180E Cable harness, secondary steering system. S/N 8002 - 9407 41 U
15 20008-371-200 L70E Cable harness, alternator 15 U
16 20071-333-110 L220E Pre-heater with fitting parts SER NO 4003 - 5020 6 U
17 20110-371-150 L180F HL Pre-heating relay HIGH-LIFT S/N 11001 - 15577 7 U
18 20165-371-100 MC90B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 10 U
19 20071-371-200 L220E Cable harness, alternator SER NO 4003 - 5020 8 U
20 20082-371-200 L150E Cable harness, alternator S/N 10002 - 11594 8 U