VOE15632635 Battery cable

PART NO.: 15632635 / VOE 15632635


Part NO. 15632635 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20165-371-100 MC90B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 5 U
2 20163-371-100 MC70B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 5 U
3 20166-371-100 MC110B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 5 U
4 20164-371-100 MC80B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 5 U
5 20162-371-100 MC60B Battery cable and main switch S/N 71000 - 5 U