VOE11428143 Cable seal

PART NO.: 11428143 / VOE 11428143


Part NO. 11428143 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20742-371-1220 EC750D Cable harness, cab S/N 280001- 5 U
2 20731-371-1220 EC160E Cable harness, cab S/N 320001-, 310001- 6 U
3 20756-371-750 EC35D Cable harness, platform 22 U
4 20698-371-520 ECR50D Cable harness, platform 24 U
5 20629-398-1300 EC220D System for wireless electronic controlled communication (telematics) S/N 21/22/23/231/24/245 /26/27/28 1 U
6 20730-371-1070 EC140E Cable harness, cab S/N 310001- 6 U
7 20612-398-1200 EC300D System for wireless electronic controlled communication (telematics) S/N 21/23/231001-/25/ 26/27/28000- 1 U
8 20754-371-750 ECR35D Cable harness, platform 22 U
9 20714-371-3500 EC300E Cable harness, cab S/N 310001- 6 U
10 20755-371-750 ECR40D Cable harness, platform 24 U
11 20781-371-800 PL3005E Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 310001- 29 U
12 20668-371-350 EC80D Cable and wire harness, main S/N 210001-210013 230001-230916, 232001- 4 U
13 20768-371-500 EC750E Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 310001- 4 U
14 20731-371-410 EC160E Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 320001-, 310001- 6 U
15 20744-371-440 EWR150E Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 320011, 322001- 5 U
16 20742-371-310 EC750D Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 280001- 10 U
17 20772-371-500 PL4809E Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 310001- 29 U
18 20760-371-1500 EC120D Cable and wire harness, instrument panel S/N 230001- 8 U
19 20768-371-1000 EC750E Cable harness, cab S/N 310001- 3 U
20 20742-398-100 EC750D System for wireless electronic controlled communication (telematics) S/N 280001- 5 U