VOE11147641 Battery cable

PART NO.: 11147641 / VOE 11147641


Part NO. 11147641 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20088-371-100 L180E Battery cable and main switch HIGH-LIFT S/N 8002 - 9407 11 U
2 20081-371-100 L180E Battery cable and main switch S/N 8002 - 9407 11 U
3 97809-371-100 L50D Battery cable and main switch 19 U
4 20082-371-100 L150E Battery cable and main switch S/N 10002 - 11594 11 U
5 20071-371-100 L220E Battery cable and main switch SER NO 4003 - 5020 11 U
6 97715-310-50 L50B/L50C VOLVO BM Battery with fitting parts VOLVO BM L50B/L50C SER NO - 10966 18 U
7 97789-310-50 L50C Battery with fitting parts S/N 10967-, OPEN ROPS S/N 35001- 32 U
8 20108-371-100 L150F Battery cable and main switch S/N 13003 - 17724 11 U
9 97810-371-100 L70D Battery cable and main switch 18 U
10 97745-310-50 L70B/L70C VOLVO BM Battery with assembling details VOLVO BM L70B/L70C SER NO - 13115 24 U
11 97790-371-100 L70C Battery cable and main switch SER NO 13116-, SER NO BRAZIL 70007- 24 U
12 20045-371-100 L50E Battery cable and main switch BRAZIL, S/N 71001 - 25 U