RM96744271 Hex. socket screw

PART NO.: 96744271 / RM 96744271


Part NO. 96744271 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20210-421-100 PF6110 Gearbox With Clutch S/N 197474 - 375205 25 U
2 20211-431-100 PF6160/PF6170 Gearbox With Clutch 25 U
3 20207-771-200 PF161 Traction Wheel Arrangement S/N 197506 - 5 U
4 20209-771-200 PF3172/PF3200 Tire And Rim Assembly S/N 197507- U
5 20208-771-100 PF2181 Tire And Rim Assembly S/N 197473- U
6 20209-441-200 PF3172/PF3200 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 197507- 10 U
7 20209-441-800 PF3172/PF3200 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 197507- 13 U
8 20208-441-800 PF2181 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 197473- 4 U
9 20566-441-200 PF2181 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 200987- 4 U
10 20208-441-850 PF2181 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 197473- 4 U
11 20566-441-100 PF2181 Traction Drive Assembly S/N 200987- 4 U