RM96720255 Flange screw

PART NO.: 96720255 / RM 96720255


Part NO. 96720255 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20788-837-400 P4820D Cover plates under cab S/N 730000- 3 U
2 20635-837-300 P7820C ABG Cover plates under cab S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - 3 U
3 20636-837-300 P8820C ABG Cover plates under cab S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - 3 U
4 20272-440-100 ABG5770 rear wheel drive kit S/N 20740 - 22 U
5 20691-837-300 P6820C ABG Cover plates under cab S/N 716001- S/N 715001- 3 U
6 20273-440-100 ABG5870 Rear Wheel Drive kit S/N 22058 - 22 U
7 20679-371-1100 P6870/5870/5770C ABG Cable harness, electrical distribution unit P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - 4 U
8 20274-440-300 ABG6870 Rear Wheel Drive kit S/N 20735 - 22 U
9 20679-371-1000 P6870/5870/5770C ABG Cable harness, electrical distribution unit P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - 4 U
10 20679-441-100 P6870/5870/5770C ABG Travel motor with mounting parts P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - 13 U
11 20799-372-200 P6820D Electrical Distribution Unit Rear S/N 720000 - S/N 725000 - 14 U
12 20800-372-200 P7820D Electrical Distribution Unit Rear S/N 720000 - S/N 725000 - 14 U
13 20267-210-100 ABG6820 Basic Engine S/N 20836 - 702575 207 U
14 20800-837-700 P7820D Cover plates under cab S/N 720000 - S/N 725000 - 7 U
15 20266-210-100 ABG5820 Basic Engine S/N 20975 - 207 U
16 20799-837-700 P6820D Cover plates under cab S/N 720000 - S/N 725000 - 7 U
17 20736-387-500 SD75B GPS Installation S/N 241001 - S/N 554000 - 14 U
18 20679-837-700 P6870/5870/5770C ABG Panels and cover plates P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - 6 U
19 20738-371-110 SD115B/SD135B Cables, battery S/N 236001 -, 555000 - S/N 556000 - 19 U
20 20736-870-100 SD75B Air conditioning line, cooling and heater S/N 241001 - S/N 554000 - 63 U