RM58939059 Wheel nut

PART NO.: 58939059 / RM 58939059


Part NO. 58939059 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20169-622-200 PT125/PT125R Double-ended Spindle and Hub Assembly S/N 197470- 5 U
2 20169-753-150 PT125/PT125R Arm Assembly S/N 197470- U
3 20169-753-200 PT125/PT125R Spindle Assembly S/N 197470- 5 U
4 20169-771-100 PT125/PT125R Tire and Wheel Assembly S/N 197470- 1 U
5 20169-622-100 PT125/PT125R Steering Bolster And Spindle Installation S/N 197470- U
6 20786-771-100 PT125C Wheel and tire S/N 327001 - 1 U
7 20786-771-200 PT125C Wheel and tire S/N 327001 - 1 U