RM13229042 Repair kit

PART NO.: 13229042 / RM 13229042


Part NO. 13229042 suitable for
Seq. Key. Model Section SN Pos. UE
1 20652-645-500 SD115 Steering system: lines, control valve - cylinders S/N 235001 -, 245001 - 551000 - U
2 20665-645-500 DD110B Steering system S/N 285003 - U
3 20666-645-500 DD120B Steering system S/N 287001 - U
4 20787-645-100 DD120C Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts 288004 - U
5 20784-645-100 SD160B Steering Cylinder With Orbital Valve S/N 570001 - U
6 20785-927-100 SD45B Dozer blade S/N 230003 - U
7 20652-645-100 SD115 Steering Cylinder With Orbital Valve S/N 235001 -, 245001 - 551000 - U
8 20175-711-200 SD45/D/F Rear Frame Installation S/N 197409 - S/N 197428 - S/N 229001 - U
9 20666-645-100 DD120B Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts S/N 287001 - U
10 20620-741-100 SD110 Frame link S/N 52332 - S/N 58001 - U
11 20665-645-100 DD110B Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts S/N 285003 - U
12 20685-645-100 SD135 Steering Cylinder With Orbital Valve S/N 552000- U
13 20847-645-100 DD110C Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts S/N 286002 - U
14 20177-777-200 SD100C Drum and Swivel Installation S/N 197403 -, USA S/N 53552 -, CHINA U
15 20177-777-100 SD100C Drum and Swivel Installation S/N 197403 -, USA S/N 53552 -, CHINA U
16 20175-981-200 SD45/D/F Strike-off Blade Installation S/N 197409 - S/N 197428 - S/N 229001 - U
17 20189-711-100 DD112/DD118/DD120 Frame Installation S/N 197518 - U
18 20179-711-51 SD122 Rear Frame Installation S/N 195942 - U
19 20178-711-350 SD100/SD105 Rear Frame Installation S/N 197389 - U
20 20584-711-51 SD130/D/DX/F Rear Frame Installation S/N 600012 - U