20514/9872/905 ASSEMBLY for VDT 121 VARIO

Assembly key: 20514-9872-905

Fig ID: 1086895

For Model: VDT 121 VARIO

For SN: VDT 121 VARIO 9,0-12,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B

Section: Side end plate for lateral limitation


Assembly 20514-9872-905 introduction

Screeds, Volvo VDT 121 Vario

Volvo fixed screeds type Vario, with gas heating, double tamper and vibration


80712474 VDT 121 Vario, 4, 5 - 9, 0 m S/N 21129 -

80712466 VDT 121 Vario, 4, 5 - 12, 0 m S/N 21129 -

Adaptable for pavers

80712474 VDT 121 Vario, 4, 5 - 9, 0 m, ABG8820/ABG8820B

80712466 VDT 121 Vario, 4, 5 - 12, 0 m, ABG8820/ABG8820B

Parts in 20514-9872-905 assembly
Seq. PART NO. Name Pos. UE
29 RM13919493 13919493 (RM13919493) Bolt 21 U
34 RM14013486 14013486 (RM14013486) Plate 2 U