20268/993/300 ASSEMBLY for ABG7820/ABG7820B

Assembly key: 20268-993-300

Fig ID: 1042091

For Model: ABG7820/ABG7820B

For SN: ABG7820 S/N 21064-23058 ABG7820B S/N 23059 -

Section: Lubrication Pump


Assembly 20268-993-300 introduction

Tracked pavers, Volvo ABG7820/ABG7820B


80757404 ABG7820 Paver, S/N 21064 - 23058

80883069 ABG7820B Paver, S/N 23059 -


RM 80731177 Diesel Engine, S/N 21064 - 23058

VOE 15064602, D7EGEE3 Diesel Engine, S/N 23059 -

In October, 2008, a new ISO 17-digit standard for Product Identification Number (PIN) was

implemented in Hameln.

The illustration below shows the significance of each set of digits that make up the PIN,

including the familiar Machine Serial Number. The serial number will continue to be used

in the main business systems as a key reference.

1. World Manufacturer Identifier (characters 1-3) VCE


2. Vehicle Description (characters 4-8) 00D38


3. Check letter (character 9) L


4. Machine Indicator Section (S/N) (characters 10-17) 00199553
